Deep Sleep Hypnosis - Audio Download

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The Deep Sleep Hypnosis can retrain the brain’s sleep center.

By far the most common presenting problem I hear in my clinical practice from clients is sleep disturbance; falling asleep, staying asleep, and/or returning to sleep. Research continues to emphasize the importance of sleep quality. In many cases, our sleep problem is a function of not being fully relaxed at bedtime, fears of not being able to fall asleep, fears of letting go, or not being able to turn off our active mind. The Deep Sleep Hypnosis sound file incorporates my newest technology in reconditioning the brain’s reaction to fears and negative thoughts, while promoting a greater relaxation at bedtime. The feedback I receive from listeners is that they commonly report being able to fall asleep much more quickly, while sleeping much more soundly, and in many cases easing or stopping their reliance on sleep medications or supplements.

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Deep Sleep Hypnosis - Audio Download

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"I developed the Schoen Breath Technique in 1984 as a tool for hospitalized patients who were in an acute state of stress. I had tried a number of other breathing and relaxation exercises throughout the years to relax these types of patients. But many times I found that it took too long for these exercises to take effect or that patients found them too cumbersome to continue on their own.

Determined to find another approach, I connected myself to a number of biofeedback monitors that could track my heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, frontalis muscle, and respiration levels. Over a number of trials, I was able to devise an easy technique that rapidly induces a state of relaxation and significantly lowers blood pressure and heart rate.

I have found that sometimes in as little as forty- five seconds, this technique can substantially shift an individual who is in an acute state of stress to a state of significant relaxation. I often called this technique my “95er,” because it generally works ninety-five percent of the time. One of the reasons my breath technique can be so effective at managing Agitance and Discomfort is that science has documented many times over the benefits of certain breathing styles on the brain and body. For instance, we know that breathing exercises directly affect areas of the brain stem that in turn strongly influence basic functions such as heart rate and sleep, not to mention breathing itself. Since the brain stem sends its impulses to the limbic system, we have the ability to adjust the limbic brain while at the same time influencing autonomic function to produce a relaxed feeling. So rather than reacting in a fearful and obstructive manner, the limbic brain will be much less reactive and less likely to draw resources away from the cerebral brain. The Schoen Breath Technique makes it possible to quiet the body and the limbic brain quickly through a pattern of inhales and exhales, generally taking only 40 to 50 seconds to create a significant effect.
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Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You

He is the author of Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You which was released in 2013, and a second time in 2014, by Hudson Street Press, a division of Penguin/Random House. This pioneering and highly reviewed book delves into how our most basic instinct, which was at the heart of survival in earlier times, is now placing us in harm’s way.

When Relaxation Is Hazardous to Your Health

Dr. Schoen is also the author of When Relaxation Is Hazardous to Your Health, the groundbreaking book on Post-Stress Illness or why we manage to remain healthy during periods of stress only to become sick once the stress is over, such as on vacations, weekends, or the completion of a project.
Recommended for best in self-help reading., January 24, 2013
Reprogramming the brain to no longer equate discomfort with imminent danger, and achieve a state of ease despite life’s inevitable hardships.
Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2013
Compelling. Readers with an interest in the mind-body connection will find this guide to better health compelling. Schoen does an excellent job in explaining the complicated science behind them.
USA Today, April 10, 2013
Discomfort training (which helps people conquer their fear and make better decisions) would unquestionably lead to substantial improvements in worker productivity, performance and health. Train your brain to lift decision making.
Investors Business Daily, March 20, 2013

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